2015 Eco-Friendly Garden Tour

February 5th 2015

The Eco-Friendly Garden Tour is a public outreach and education program that promotes sustainable landscaping practices by showcasing inspiring home gardens throughout Sonoma County and North Marin. The Tour highlights Russian River-Friendly and Bay-Friendly landscaping best practices, and supports QWEL certified professionals by featuring their personal or client’s gardens. The Eco-Friendly Garden Tour is self-guided and is provided free of charge by the Sonoma-Marin Saving Water Partnership. Save the Date! The 2015 Eco-Friendly Garden Tour will take place on Saturday May 16. We hope that you will mark your calendar for this event. Please visit the Eco-Friendly Garden Tour website and sign-up to receive emails about the event. Call for Gardens! This is a great opportunity to share your garden or a project that you have worked on with the community. We are currently accepting applications for the 2015 Eco-Friendly Garden Tour. Application Form