Hybrid training: Hands-on essentials and Webinar convenience
From soils to water budgets, system audits, scheduling and controller programming, you’ll learn the science and principles of water-saving landscapes.
Techniques and principles from this course are must-haves for all account managers, supervisors, landscape architects and designers, suppliers, and maintenance and irrigation technicians.
This training is made possible by the San Diego County Water Authority, its member agencies and the County of San Diego.
- Participation is limited to individuals who work or live in San Diego County.
- Highly qualified instructors.
- Convenient, engaging webinars via Zoom and in-person training for the irrigation audit and controller segments.
- QWEL Reference Manual provided FREE.
6 sessions: 4 webinars, 1 in-person class, 1 in-person exam
- Feb. 01: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM WEBINAR
- Feb. 08: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM WEBINAR
- Feb. 14: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM WEBINAR
- Feb. 15: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM WEBINAR
Feb. 22 and 28 Location
• Tiffany Faulstich, ISA, LEED Green Associate, NALP QWEL | President, Botanicon Inc. | CA C-27 License #1051100 | Lecturer, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo Plant Sciences
• Dan Conger, CLIA, CLT, CWM, QWEL | Training Manager, Baseline Systems/HydroPoint
Contact: WSA Marketing | 760-944-1509 | qwel@wsamarketing.com